Online Shopping on WhMark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook and Whatsapp company “Meta”, confirmed the news of Whatsapp online shopping in his Facebook post.
According to the post of Meta founder, WhatsApp, the world’s most used instant messaging application, has been looking to introduce online shopping features for a long time.
Still, now the application has introduced online shopping features. Based on his Facebook viral post, he said that this Whatsapp feature is available only in India. Whatsapp is providing online shopping for India’s famous online store “Jio Mart”.
According to the CEO of Facebook and Whatsapp, the purchase process will be easier and more secure through Whatsapp end-to-end encrypted chat.
He explained the encrypted chat that even the company employees wouldn’t be able to read the end-to-end messages of customers using Whatsapp online shopping.
In India, Jio Mart is the largest chain of online shopping, and with this new feature of Whatsapp, its growth is guaranteed. Although this feature is currently accessible only in India, they plan to spread it to other regions soon.