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How to Install Nicke85 Addon on Kodi

How to Install Nicke85 Addon on Kodi

Nicke85 is new Kodi Addon. It has access to about 550 channels from around the world. With this Addon, you will have access to a large selection of live TV channels from Serbia And from around the world.

It has availability to about 550 channels from around the planet. It is certainly truly worth owning a glance at. You can enjoy many favorite programs by using this Addon. Access a large amount of data at a time. Nicke85 is a new Kodi Addon released in 2018 from Stay Television Serbia repo. You can easily installed it from Stay Television Serbia Repository.

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To install Nicke85 Add-on on Kodi follow the step by step method is given below.

How to Install Nicke85 on Kodi

  1. Open Kodi> Home > Select Addons > Select Setting Icon
  2. Addons > click on Unknown Sources
  3. Now enable unknown sources
  4. Click on Unknown Sources > then press “Yes” on Pop up
  5. Go back to Home > Select Settings > Select File Manager > Add Source
  6. Click on Settings Icon that you can see at the top left side of your screen
  7. Type http://livetvkodiserbia.com/kodi/repository in the top text box
  8. Now type serb in bottom box > Click OK
  9. Go back to Home > Select Addons > Addon browser > Install from Zip file
  10. Click on serbhttp://repository.livetvSerbia-x.x.zip
  11. Now Wait for the “Addon Enabled” notification
  12. Select Install From Repsoitory > Live TV Serbia Repository
  13. Click on Video Addons > Nicke85 > Install and wait for notification
Masri serves as the Chief Content Editor at BestKodiTips. With three years of experience, she excels in creating technical content, focusing on how-to guides, Android and Kodi tutorials, app reviews, and addressing common technological challenges. She ensures to stay abreast of the latest tech updates. Outside of work, Masri finds pleasure in reading books, watching documentaries, and engaging in table tennis.

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