WhatsApp released a new update for its customers in India. People of India can now process credit card payments from other digital providers via WhatsApp. The latest update to WhatsApp is to boost eCommerce offerings in one of the biggest markets in the world.
According to Meta, WhatsApp has over 500 million active users in India. The in-app purchase of WhatsApp Pay is capped at only 100 million users.
People using WhatsApp as their shopping platform can pay using popular payment platforms such as Google Pay, Walmart PhonePe, and PayTM, but only when redirected outside the app.
Payments through these mentioned payment services and any other payment transfer system UPI will now be easier to process through WhatsApp.
Furthermore, Meta said that the in-app payment methods for credit and debit cards will also be added to the app.
As Indians spend more than $180 billion through UPI each month, this new transaction option could be a powerful addition to e-businesses.