The Storm 5G, Lava’s latest low-cost 5G smartphone, has just surfaced ahead of its formal announcement, which is set for December 21 in India. The Lava Storm 5G is not expected to be an exception to the Indian brand’s reputation for affordable products. However, there is little information about the phone’s retail price.
Along with a few specifications available now, @stufflisting tweeted a high-resolution render of the phone. First, the phone will include a MediaTek Dimensity 6080 processor, one of the company’s most current chipsets, especially for mid-range phones.
The two Lava Storm 5G cameras are visible in the image. According to the report, one of the cameras will have an 8-megapixel ultra-wide-angle sensor. However, details regarding the phone’s primary camera are still unknown.
The amount of memory is yet another fascinating fact. The Lava Storm 5G is expected to include at least 8GB of RAM, but there may be more outstanding alternatives for those who can afford it and desire more memory.
Finally, based on our little information, the pricing will be less than 15,000 INR, or roughly $180. The phone may come in several colors; however, the released picture only features the black model.