Your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) score is crucial. Sites with higher rankings receive a higher search engine results page (SERP) ranking. A high SERP ranking will enable your website to reach the first page of search results on internet browsers. This is crucial for raising your company’s profile and organically increasing traffic since over 70% of clicks from search results are for sites listed on the first page of results.
Completing these seven steps will raise your site’s SEO score, which can increase site engagement and boost sales.
1. Improve Site Speed
A website’s loading time will impact its search ranking. Users are more likely to leave sites that take a long time to load. This negatively impacts your engagement score because web browsers count clicks that do not lead to engagement against the site. Browsers assign higher scores to sites where individuals spend a lot of time. Sites also score better if visitors click on links or purchase products.
Web browsers also evaluate each site’s loading time and lower scores for sites that do not load quickly.
2. Target an Appropriate Audience
You can use tailored email marketing campaigns to present links to appropriate audiences for specific content on your site. This increases the likelihood these users will access your site and engage with the material presented. Your site will benefit from increased user engagement and web browsers also give higher SEO scores to sites with high traffic volumes.
Emails can also be adapted and presented as effective blog posts on your site. You can use focused social media posts to promote this content and increase site traffic.
3. Increase Inbound Links
Inbound links are links from external sources that lead to your website. They are important for your search engine ranking because the volume of referrals will organically increase traffic to your site. Browsers also consider sites with more links to them to be authoritative and raise the site’s score.
With guidance from a professional link building service, you can develop a link-building strategy to increase the number of inbound links to your site. LinkGraph can help you identify excellent referral sites that will boost your site’s credibility. They can also evaluate your current inbound link strength and identify areas for improvement.
One way to increase the number of external links to your site is to contribute blog posts to reputable, relevant sites and include a bio with a link to your website.
4. Include Outbound Links
You may think that outbound links are harmful because they direct traffic away from your website, but outbound links play a vital role in establishing your site’s credibility and boosting its ranking with search engines.
Access a free SEO tool to determine a site’s Domain Authority (DA) score. Web browsers will consider your site more credible if it links to authoritative sites with good rankings and gives your site a higher score.
5. Use Keywords
Keywords are like road signs near a highway exit that list the services accessible at that exit. They quickly and convey the focus of the content on your site.
When people search for specific information online they use common keywords and phrases related to the type of content they seek. Customizing your content to include appropriate keywords will ensure web browsers consider your content relevant.
6. Upload Images
The images on your website are just as important as the text. You should ensure that images you post have an appropriate file name when they are uploaded. Using keywords as file names can be an effective way to establish relevance to searches for those keywords. You should also include keywords and appropriate information in the alt text option when you upload images.
Large images can cause web pages to load slowly. Use quality photos but avoid images with large file sizes so that you do not adversely affect your site’s loading time.
Web browsers send out crawlers to evaluate websites and assign SEO scores to the site. To reach your site, these crawlers need to follow inbound links. Once the crawlers are on your site, they will use links to navigate your site and index relevant data used to assign your SEO ranking.
Your site’s score will be lowered if the crawlers are unable to easily move between pages. A simple, effective navigation system should allow users to find relevant information easily and quickly move from page to page. Complicated navigation systems deter users from engaging with the site, which also lowers your site’s SEO score.