According to SamMobile, Samsung has released their Galaxy Z Flip 5 in four more colours in India. At the time of release, Galaxy Z Flip 5 was only available in Cream, Graphite, Mint and Lavender colours.
But the company has launched Galaxy Z Flip 5 in Blue, Grey, Green and Yellow which makes the colour count eight. New colours of Z Flip 5 will be available for order from October 17, 2023.
Customers of Samsung phones can buy Galaxy Z Flip 5 in new colours only from the official Samsung website ( The new four colors are not available anywhere else.
The prices of the new designs are the same as those of regular color smartphones. Using, customers can buy Galaxy Z Flip 5 in Grey, Blue, Yellow and Green for $1,200 for the 256GB and $1,320 for the 512GB variant.
Samsung is also offering discount offers on some bank credit and debit cards. The discount offer can be seen and avail at the time of purchase from