Apple has issued a new version of Safari Technology Preview, the experimental browser introduced by Apple in March 2016. Apple created the Safari Technology Preview to evaluate features that may be included in future Safari release versions.
Safari Technology Preview 162 addresses bugs and improves performance in Web Inspector, CSS, Scrolling, Gamepad API, Media, Web API, and Accessibility. This update brings Shared Tab Groups and synchronization for Tab Groups, Website Settings, and Web Extensions to Safari Technology Preview 162 or later running on macOS Ventura 13.2 or later, or macOS Monterey with Safari 16.2.
The current Safari Technology Preview release is version 16.4 and is compatible with macOS Ventura and macOS Monterey PCs.
The goal of Safari Technology Preview is for Apple to collect input from developers and users on their browser development process. Safari Technology Preview may coexist with the standard Safari browser, and while they intended it for developers, it does not require a developer account to download.