According to the list compiled by Forbes, Samsung has topped the World’s Best Employers list for the fourth year in a row. Forbes has created the list based on the statistics compiled by Statista.
They have interviewed and surveyed over 170,000 employees from 50 countries. According to the list, Samsung’s first competitor, Apple is forth in the list.
Samsung has more than 270,372 employees worldwide. Questions and areas surveyed by Statista contain the company’s economic performance, social responsibilities, and working culture.
According to Statista reports, Samsung is successfuly defending the winner title since 2020. The survey shows that Samsung employees have positive views about their company leadership and other company elements.
Samsung is continuously working for employee growth, global cooperation, flexible working environment, as well as removing work without any hurdle.
Besides these essential work elements, Samsung also offers a house refreshment center, a clinic for first aid, a fitness center, and a counseling center.
List of Top 14 Ranking Companies (1 to 14)
- Samsung
- Microsoft
- Alphabet
- Apple
- Ferrari
- Adobe
- Costco Wholesale
- BMW Group
- Cisco
- Airbus
- Adidas
- Lockheed Martin
- Rolex